Use our user-friendly Outsourcee Directory to filter your search and check out the Outsourcee's individualised video pitch, prices, discounts, professional experience and personal details to find and decide on your most ideal Outsourcees.
Easily set the terms for your chosen Outsourcee through a 'New Assignment Request', which will make its way to your chosen Outsourcee, who will decide if they agree with your requested terms, they will either (1) Decline with some reasoning, (2) Make their own counter-offer by making slight modifications to your terms, or (3) Agree to your terms and thus beginning your working relation right away.
Once the Assignment is active on our platform you are free to meet, call, email, use our in-app chat &/or video call to communicate with and manage your new Outsourcee through the work you need them to do and utilise them to help grow & support your business.
Through your account's Billing Centre and our weekly email reports you can see exactly what your Outsourcees are spending their paid time on, providing you with unprecedented real time information on your staff's working schedule & your labour spend is going towards.
Continue learning from the data we provide to perfect your labour efficiencies and find additional valuable Outsourcees that will be able to contribute to your team and help make your business goals come true.